This hospitalization for Tyler is his first for many, many years. He has been relatively healthy for the past three or four years. With the exception of an upper respiratory infection or the occasional bout of bronchitis -- he's been in pretty good health.
However, this illness is not new to Tyler. Most of his previous hospitalizations have been just as rough on him. He has seen too many physicians, nurses and respiratory therapists in his short life.
His life began needing a ventilator for his breathing support and he's needed a bit of help now and again. I'm hopeful that this brief bout of illness will just be another long-lost memory for him when he finally comes home.
To watch Tyler go through this horrible illness is difficult at best. Sometimes while I'm sitting at his bedside -- I often times wonder where he gets his strength, determination and stamina. He has no concept of time or space so he must draw his strength from somewhere within himself.
Tyler is a very good example of all people at their finest. Just when you think you can't go another step or are ready to give up -- just think about Tyler. If he never gives up then neither should we.
Just look at the picture of Tyler shown here. Although this picture was taken a few years ago -- nearly every picture we have of him is the same. His eyes are sparkling, he has a wide smile on his face and his positive attitude is contagious.
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