It's early Saturday morning and the phone is ringing. As I look at the caller I.D. it says: Scottsdale Healthcare. That's the hospital that Tyler is in so my stomach sinks.
The nurse caring for him just wanted to call me to say that Tyler is doing great and she's thrilled with his progress. She had cared for him when he was admitted more than two weeks ago and again last week when he wasn't doing so well.
I entered Tyler's hospital room this morning and he was full of smiles. Craig had gone down earlier in the morning an was reading his one of his favorite story books: Curious George Goes to the Hospital. Tyler knows the story very well. He knows when George gets his shot and the pretty nurse takes very good care of him.
When the story was finished Tyler was exhausted. He's still very tired and has lost a bit of weight. He's already thin enough and really can't afford to lose much more. He quickly fell asleep but not before posing for the camera.
The twinkle in his eyes is returning and he is trying very hard to smile.
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