Thanks for steering your way over here.
Funny story.
A while back -- before I began to blog regularly -- I signed up on blogspot using the name Vicki Leigh. I then set the idea aside and forgot about it completely.
Then, a while after that I decided to begin my blogging journey. Not realizing that I already signed up on blogger -- I went to sign up again and found that my name had been taken. What I didn't realize at the time that my name had been taken by me.
So I began to blog using the name Vicki Leigh Studios and have been posting photos of my glass, my family, my adventures and my kitties for a time now.
Then as I was reading though my directory of online names, user names and passwords, I realized that I had two blogs.
So, if you would be so kind as to save this blog name as my premier blog, I would appreciate it.
Thanks everyone!
From the Jagermistress