Thursday, June 4, 2009

being naughty

Well Tyler certainly surprises us all.

The past couple of day in I.C.U. have helped him to become stronger, gain stamina and regain some of his strength.

In addition, his naughtiness has returned. That is the sure sign that he is on the road to recovery.

He has found the buttons on his bed which allow the head and the foot of the bed to rise and fall. This is certainly amusing when anyone is in the room to watch him. The nurse call light is also a great source of entertainment.

As I was sitting with him today I couldn't figure out why the nurses kept returning to the room asking what we needed and if everything is OK.

Then I spied the little naughty hand playing with the call light. Just as he was ready to push the button I asked him 'Tyler - what are you doing?'

Of course he offered up his naughty hand as proof, once again, that he wasn't responsible for the mayhem. It was the naughty hand that got him in trouble.

It's nice to see the naughty hand return.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

tyler, tyler, tyler

For all of you who are following this blog to keep track of Tyler's progress -- thank you.

The photo shown above was taken during a visit to Tucson to visit his sister Christi. Apparently he didn't want to sit next to her.

Tyler is doing better today. The C.P.A.P. machine was turned off this afternoon and the mist/oxygen collar was put back on. He was breathing very well throughout the hours and during a small nap.

As he was resting I was watching his sleep and wondering 'why Tyler' -- why does this sweet little guy have to endure so much? Well, I'll never get the answer to that question.

However, Tyler always seems to come though all of these situations with a smile on his face.

I was also wondering why this family? We all care for him, watch over him and keep his needs first. Just then a medical helicopter was landing on the rooftop above us. Tyler woke up and smiled because he likes airplanes and helicopters as much as I.

Then it occurred to me. Every time a medical helicopter flies overhead another family is affected my a medical crisis. Every ambulance that goes screaming by your car or house another family is affected. Every car accident will affect another family. And so on and so forth.

So, it's not just our family. It's every family. It's the families of the recent plane crash in the Atlantic Ocean. It's families throughout the world who are affected by medical events which will change the course of their lives forever.

To have the course of ones life changed isn't necessarily for the worse. Tyler is a joy to be around and will always give you a smile and a hug.

Monday, June 1, 2009

another setback . . .

Well Tyler made it home two days before having another serious asthma attack. He seemed very happy to be in his own bedroom playing with his familiar toys.

He's back in ICU on C.P.A.P. which the doctors feel will be short-lived. Tyler seems to be experiencing more anxiety or panic attacks when he is short of breath. This seems to compound the problem by making the attack seem worse for him.

We'll keep by his side and talk him through his little issues. He's happiest with his favorite dog 'Wrinkles' and his favorite story 'The Puppy Who Wanted a Boy."

Many of the doctors feel this is just a speed-bump in the road but will make it through with just a bit more time.

Keep hopes up and send well-wishes for Tyler.