Although he's exhausted and sleeping through the day and night -- Tyler has made a tremendous amount of improvement in the past 24-hours.
The physicians plan was to keep Tyler on the oxygen and mist collar throughout the day and use the ventilator at night to help him rest -- Tyler will not cooperate with that.
Simply put -- he hates the ventilator.
So he's on the oxygen and mist collar all day and all night with respiratory and blood gas results coming back good.
Now the easy part begins. We have to get our home ready for Tyler and the entourage of medical staff that comes with him. He'll need nursing care for the times that Craig or I are not able to help him. He'll need physical therapists to help him get his strength back and learn to use his body again and the physicians who will be watching him very closely.
The picture listed above was taken this afternoon. He's tired. He's exhausted. He's ready to come home.
such good news