As Craig and I came into Tyler's hospital room this morning -- we were greeted by one of Tyler's many physicians.
Either I'm getting older or these doctors are getting younger.
Anyway -- Tyler not only has severe lung disease but he has the lungs of an 80-year-old man.
We knew that.
Tyler's lungs have the capacity of an old man who has C.O.P.D. or severe emphysema.
Many of the physicians were talking late last night and early this morning and have come to the conclusion that Tyler has 'turned a corner.' They feel the worst of his illness is behind him and the road to recovery has begun.
Many of them honestly didn't believe that he would survive this episode of asthma. His oxygenation in his blood stream was a bit too low for awhile so, of course, we're concerned about more brain loss.
The settings on the airway assistance have been decreased again and they hope to have him off all breathing assistance within the week.
Early talk of being discharged from the hospital have begun and they are wanting to put Tyler is a rehab facility for about two weeks or so to give him some physical therapy. This will help him regain his strength and stamina. However, Tyler isn't a good candidate for rehab. He simply needs to come home. He doesn't tolerate anyone else taking care of him. He needs us.
We'll care for him at home just like we have in the past. He does much better with mom than he does with anyone else.
The photo shown above was taken a few years back while at the park feeding the ducks.
I'll post some new photos as soon as I can get some.
I agree that he needs to be home. Is that an option? I hope that they will let you take him home. I am sorry that you are all going through so much. He is so worth it though isn't he?!?! Love you all!