During the past 31 days my focus has been to get Tyler better in order to bring him home. Well today was the day that my wish was granted.
Of course there was the usual 'hurry up and wait' scenario when trying to get Tyler's posse of doctors together in order to write discharge orders, decide on home supplies, amount of medications to continue with and how much care he would require at home.
Blah, blah, blah. Just send the kid home for goodness sake -- I know what to do. I've been doing this for nearly 23-years and I think I can continue on.
So Craig arrived just after 1 p.m. this afternoon for the final push to get everything out of Tyler's room. The only item that was missing was the portable oxygen needed to supply Tyler during the drive. Of course there is a portable tank sitting in Tyler's closet. Craig brings it with him for the drive home.
In true Craig fashion -- as he's lifting Tyler into his wheelchair -- the tank of oxygen falls off the back of the chair. I immediately hear a loud hissing sound coming from neck of the tank. Oops. The tank is now broken. Craig quickly places his thumb over the hissing sound in order to not allow anyone else in the room to hear it. If there is no oxygen to drive home with Tyler -- he doesn't come home with us.
We very quickly head for the elevator to load Tyler into the van for the quick five minute drive home. We're not going to let a little broken oxygen tank stop us from bringing him home finally.
We arrived without incident. He's home. He's safe and he's happy.