Throughout the past 24-years of Tyler's life -- his road to recovery has been fought with many twists and turns along the way.
Given his fragile condition when he was born - his recovery began at birth. Tyler's life has only improved along the way. He has gotten better and experienced more fun with each birthday that passes.
His current hospitalization and physical set backs will only become a new challenge in Tyler's life. He doesn't see illness, pain, or trauma as a road block. He sees these things as a new challenge for himself and for those who care enough to make the journey with him. He sees these things as a new way to reconnect with family, friends and loved ones.
Although every person who knows Tyler experiences love, Tyler gives more love in return. The one person in his life who means the most to him is his Grandpa Carol. Grandpa has been by his side through thick and thin. Grandpa was a regular visitor at the Intensive Care Nursery. Grandpa continues his love for Tyler by guiding him along their journey together.
Reading story books is their favorite pastime. When Tyler goes over to Grandpas house -- he quickly tells Grandpa where to sit on the couch because at least four or five stories are to be read. Grandpa is very quick to point out that Tyler must go into the bedroom and get those books and bring them to the couch before they can be read. Tyler has work to do and he quickly gets it done in order to please Grandpa.
This afternoon as I entered Tyler's room in the rehab center -- Grandpa was sitting at the bedside holding Tyler's hand and reading him his favorite story book.
Although Tyler's road to recovery has many twists and turns along the way -- he knows there will always be someone there to make the journey with him.
We could all be so fortunate to be like Tyler.
Vicki I'm glad Tylers getting better. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help. Mara