The road to recovery is well underway but still has a few speed bumps along the way.
This morning Tyler had a rough start of things. In the past 36-hours he's only slept for a total of about 20 minutes at a time. The steroids he's been taking for the past three weeks to help his asthma also keeps him wired.
He'll fall asleep for a few minutes then wake up to need suction, a breathing treatment, milk or a diaper change. It's tough to need sleep when you're in the hospital cause nobody will let you.
This afternoon his naughty hand struck again. During my five minute absence from his room he managed to get his naughty hand over to the arterial line that was just placed.
As I walked back into his room he pointed to his arm and handed me the wire. As I looked down on his bed sheet -- I couldn't help but notice an 8-inch pool of blood and his arm was literally draining out of the vein. So I had to hold a washcloth on his arm while trying to summon the nurse. Respiratory finally heard my plea for help and ran and got Tyler's nurse.
Poor Tyler. He doesn't quite understand that all the tubes and wires are really there to help him. All he knows is he wants them off his body.
Wow, he has lost weight