Tyler has decided that enough is enough.
He has taken it upon himself to remove the BiPap support at nighttime. He's refusing to keep the small tube attached to his trach. So -- we have no other option than to leave it off of him.
He's been off nighttime support for nearly 10 days now and is doing very well.
In addition to removing himself from the BiPap -- he as now taken the trach collar off.
The trach collar is connected to a small tube which supplies a small amount of supplemental oxygen.
When he came home from the hospital this last time he was needing five (5) liters of oxygen in addition to 12-hours of support at nighttime.
I guess Tyler knows best. His O2 saturation's are staying in the mid to high 90's and his many doctors are pleased.
The O2 saturation level is a measurement of how much oxygen is being supplied to the body at any given moment. A small sensor is temporarily attached to his fingertip and a light reads the oxygen level. Craig and I generally run from 97 to 99% oxygen levels on room air - which is 21% oxygen. The additional oxygen that Tyler is receiving bumps him up to about 23% - 24% oxygen.
He's come a long way from earlier this summer and our hope is that he continues to improve.
The real treat for him this past week was when he got to return to school for two days in a row. Although he only stayed for two hours each day he was very happy to see all his friends.
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