Friday, September 17, 2010

Tyler is doing very well -- thank you...

Tyler has done very well since coming home from the hospital this past Wednesday.

He had surgery to redesign a tracheostomy which had been placed in his neck.

The photo shown above was taken last weekend when we took him and our grand-daughter to Sea World. While there they both had the chance-of-a-lifetime to visit with Elmo of Sesame Street fame.

Tyler is scheduled to have the sutures removed from his neck next Monday then will resume his normal schedule of school and playing.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Tyler Just Hangin' Out

Tyler came through the surgery with flying colors.

He had a size six trach placed into his neck last night and soared through the procedure without any problems.

He'll stay in the I.C.U. for at least two days to ensure success and to (hopefully) reduce the amount of exposure to infection.

This photo was taken this morning as he was waking up. We just finished reading "Are You My Mother?" by P.D. Eastman.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Surgery or Not?

Following 48-hours of confusion -- a surgery date for Tyler has been set - canceled - set again - canceled again - and set once more.

It all began with a simple naughty hand. Unfortunately for Tyler - the naughty hand struck during the middle of the night which caused irreversible damage.

Long story short - the small hole in his trachea holds a curved plastic tube which allows him to breath easily. It also allows me to administer his breathing medications directly into his lungs. This gives the best benefit of the drugs.

When the tube came out of his neck and remained out for more than a four-hour period -- the hole in his neck closed up.

Today Tyler and I spent the day at Scottsdale Healthcare-Osborn Hospital with the hopes of him having surgery at 4pm.

Literally at 3:55 pm a new Ear, Nose and Throat physician came into the room to evaluate Tyler and prepare for surgery. Being he was a new physician to care for Tyler - he had a long list of questions. He came to different conclusion than previous physicians which, in turn, canceled the surgery.

What will happen now is Tyler came home with me Friday evening with a surgery date scheduled for Monday, September 13 at 6pm.

What the new physician is planning on doing is to create a new trachea for Tyler using cartilage from his neck. He will also decrease the amount of scar tissue surrounding the hole which may cause ongoing discomfort for Tyler.

This new trach will be considered a 'permanent' trach where all previous have been considered 'temporary.' If, in the future, this trach comes out it won't close in a matter of hours. It would take weeks for the hole to close. Using the cartilage instead of skin to build the hole in his neck causes this effect.

If all goes well -- Tyler will stay in the hospital for two days following surgery. We should be home by Wednesday or Thursday next week.

As you can see by the pictures posted above -- Tyler is taking it all in stride.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Naughty Hand Strikes Again

Hmmm -- Sometime during the nighttime hours -- Tyler's Naughty Hand decided that all was going too well in Tyler's life.

So in an attempt to keep us on our toes -- the Naughty Hand took the trach out of his neck, threw it across the room then it and Tyler went back to sleep.

The small hole in his neck closed without the trach tube in place. When mom discovered the problem and tried (in vain) to put it back in she soon realized that a trip to the hospital was in her near future.

We're heading there within the next half-hour so I'll keep you in the loop.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

All is going well...

Just a quick note to tell everyone that Tyler has had a great summer. He's stayed healthy, happy and playful.

As we head into the Winter season - we're taking all precautions to ensure he stays that way.

Sunday, February 28, 2010


Well -- he's been admitted back into the ICU at Scottsdale Osborn. He had a sinus infection that wouldn't clear up and his asthma kicked in.

I'll post more soon with some photos and updates.


Monday, January 11, 2010

Story Time . . .

Every day at lunch time -- Tyler and Arlington wait patiently for Craig to come home to eat, rest and read a mid-day story.

Tyler and Arlington take turns choosing which story is to be read.

Today it was Arlington's turn to choose. She picked 'It's Not Fair' featuring Ernie and Bert.

Tyler continues to improve every week. Except for a bit of residual leg weakness -- Tyler is nearly back to health.