Friday, September 17, 2010

Tyler is doing very well -- thank you...

Tyler has done very well since coming home from the hospital this past Wednesday.

He had surgery to redesign a tracheostomy which had been placed in his neck.

The photo shown above was taken last weekend when we took him and our grand-daughter to Sea World. While there they both had the chance-of-a-lifetime to visit with Elmo of Sesame Street fame.

Tyler is scheduled to have the sutures removed from his neck next Monday then will resume his normal schedule of school and playing.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Tyler Just Hangin' Out

Tyler came through the surgery with flying colors.

He had a size six trach placed into his neck last night and soared through the procedure without any problems.

He'll stay in the I.C.U. for at least two days to ensure success and to (hopefully) reduce the amount of exposure to infection.

This photo was taken this morning as he was waking up. We just finished reading "Are You My Mother?" by P.D. Eastman.